Woman to Woman

A journey to healing
A celebration of our lives
Through the inner love of revealing

Through an inspirational vibe
Sprang a conversation for giving
Amongst 8 recovering souls
Comes a pathway for wholesome living.

Secrets Women Don’t Share showed
The founders there’s a need
That sobriety should extend
And expand to greater deeds.

Building Relationships for Recovering
 created a special part
Thus, allowing Woman to Woman
To hear the language of the heart.

Men can tell you how to love them
But a woman’s love is a reversal
Learning to love herself first, discovers
Life: This Is not a Dress Rehearsal.

We have come to Expect a Miracle
Every time we come together
We discover deeper strengths that pull
Us higher, to make us better.

This sisterhood empowers us
Breaks down the walls of fear
Separated, we are helpless
Together We Can share.

We’ve learned to Trust the Journey
Sisters in Spirit we can do
Together, what things alone
We wouldn’t be able to.

Sharing the Sunlight of God’s Spirit
Has filled our lives with hope
Created in us desires to live
beyond our normal scope.